Desert Olives

Lockdown Foraging

Like all the world, we are experiencing the uniqueness of this Spring in all kinds of ways : beautiful, concerning, exhausting, quirky.  It is not our first rodeo when it comes to adjusting school and lifestyle for uniquely challenging times.  We are thankful for the lessons we can apply and sweet memories from past seasons.  After finding a copy of “My Side of the Mountain,” Evan became interested in survival skills.  I’m letting that flow.  Both boys love the outdoors and, like so many right now, observing wildflowers and the uncanny provision nature brings right now feels especially meaningful (we learned to watch the lillies from a beloved original teacher…).  Our rural Bedouin friends have made good use of local wild foliage (particularly mallow, called khubeza here, and stinging nettles, called “gar-ayz”) so we’ve joined them, trying our hand at foraged nettle and mallow quiche (leaving plenty of greens for the new woolly lawnmowers of course…)  Sending love from our own corner of this world and experience…

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