Desert Olives

Recipe for the Messy Middle

In preparing to transition away from people and a land we love, we read up a bit on what to expect.  We knew there would be challenges while we waited for direction, where to serve next.  We were aware of potential discomfort but also chances for creativity.  We’ve landed for this little season in a special location…here is our current family recipe for this “messy middle” time:


2 liters/quarts of homemade yogurt and lebneh (keeps us grounded to make by hand something we ate so much of in Jordan)

1 weekly family run and swim in the cold ocean. We call it Polar Bear Club.

a handful of visits to new neighbors.  garnish with listening ears.  option to add a plate of cookies

2-3 walks or hikes on most days…in the morning and after dinner will yield best results and keep newly mobile baby happy

1 copy of Andrew Murray’s “Waiting on God,” read aloud when possible along with Alex books (childhood favorites)

2 large soft sherpa blankets for reading aloud

4 days of memory making with loved ones we’ve missed here in America

3-4 weekly phone calls or messages with those we miss so much in Jordan

large pinch of gratefulness for people to love, both here and there

1 large flask of hot cocoa to take on cool morning adventures

12 marshmallows to put in that hot cocoa

2 tablespoons of laughter when disappointments and rejections or awkwardness come, remembering that these are just signposts on a loving path

8 Arabic phrases a day in the home to help us feel like we have a secret family code language

4 cups of patience, more as needed…probably a lot more

*Mix together and bake for however long the season calls for.

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