Desert Olives

How Caleb has been welcomed…

Our first two weeks back in our hometown have been filled with care from our community and friends here.  One big part of welcoming a new baby here is visits, usually with friends bringing food.  When friends come, we make a tea called “girfa”, which is a cinnamon bark tea with walnuts (“jows”) ground and sprinkled on top.  Cinnamon is supposed to help the mother’s womb heal up.   We serve this with sweets and have a nice long visit.

Girfa and Sweets

Kelly’s mom has been here helping out and she has been wonderful.  She even went on a visit to a Bedouin tent. She hasn’t had to cook much, though, because friends have brought all kinds of food – some western and some local.  Some local foods include “mensaf” which is a Jordanian favorite.  This dish has rice and chicken or lamb, a goat cheese or yoghurt sauce and cut-up veggies.  You eat this with your hands.  It is so good and is supposed to help the mother make more milk.  We’ve also had a soup called “frika” – also a classic for new moms and made with a barley-like grain.  Another favorite is “uzzi” – we had this chicken and rice dish tonight and it was fantastic.

All this to say, we have experienced so much love and care from friends locally and abroad.  Caleb is growing and changing each day and we are crazy about him.  He is a gift.

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